The CoMix Project “Nature for Cities”
Both in France and China, the artificialization of urban soils combined with climate change confronts our cities with various phenomena who is detrimental to the comfort, well-being and more generally to the health of citizen(such as urban heat island effect, risk of flooding, biodiversity and biogeochemistry, etc.). When the artificialization is accompanied with sealing surface, ecological fragmentation is compounded by the increasing stabilization and compaction of the substrate, alteration of urban albedo, loss of fertility and the ability of storage and regeneration, etc. And all these nuisances will amplify the phenomena of artificialization of urban soils and the sealing surface.As a supporting force for the Sino-French research (thématiques prioritaires CoMix 2021-2022), The French Embassy in Beijing launched the project about this subject in 2018 and wishes to continuously deepen the scientific cooperation between the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Strasbourg(ENSAS)and South China University of Technology(SCUT).